Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kelsey's Self Bio

My name is Kelsey Roxanne Pennell and I was born in California but raised in Oklahoma. I have one older brother, Nicholas, who is 25 and lives in Breckenridge Colorado. I am currently a broadcast journalism major and am taking 13 hours this semester. I decided to take this class because it was an elective that was offered for my major and I have heard good things about it so I figured I would take it. My favorite homework assignment was a history paper I had to write about a member of my family. I really enjoyed it because I learned so much about my grandma that I never knew before. My least favorite homework assignment was a translating a focus group interview because it was extremely long and took a lengthy amount of time. I don't mind working in groups but I would rather work on my own for the most part. I don't exactly have a favorite type of music because I love all music, so it is extremely hard for me to have a favorite song. But if I had to pick one song it would probably be "Call the Man" by Celine Dion. It is an old song of hers but it is a gorgeous song with great lyrics and I think she has one of the best voices of all time. The last movie I saw was Defiance. It was a true story about WWII and it was amazing, I definitely recommend it. The secretary of state is Hillary Rodham Clinton, and yes embarassingly enough I did google sad. I don't really mind public speaking, but I am not really fond of it. I have never posted/written a blog but I am actually looking forward to this! The three biggest issues facing the United States in 2009 in my opinion would be our economy, the war in Iraq, and foreign affairs. My philosophy for life is to try to always take a step back and realize how short of a time we have here on earth. Take nothing for granted, and don't regret anything. Everyone makes mistakes, but its the only and best way to learn. I get stressed out very very easily so I'm trying to work on that this year. I am a member of Kappa Alpha Theta on campus and I participate in things through my sorority. I also have two jobs this semester. I work at Shoetopia, which is a shoe store on Campus Corner, and I have an internship with Universal Studios as a movie rep on campus. Joe Foote is the dean of the college of Journalism, David Craig is the associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies. Buddy Wiedemann is the IT director for the Gaylord College of journalism and Cat Bark is the librarian at Gaylord. My favorite thing about OU is football season. It is such a fun time of year, and we have an amazing team.

1 comment:

  1. Sooner football will be what I miss most about the University of Oklahoma
