Monday, February 9, 2009

Tim Wise

This week I decided to do my self reflection on Tim Wise. I thought this would be an appropriate blog since we just watched a film over him in class tonight. To be honest, I was somewhat offended by the video. I felt that the whole time he was making his speech he was completely trash talking white people. Being a white female, I took offense to it. I tried to be open minded and see where he was coming from on some of his remarks, but for most of his "facts" that he told, he had NO supporting evidence, no source from where he got the information, so it made it hard to even listen because of that. For instance, when he spoke about the war in Iraq he said that majority of blacks did not want to go to Iraq and kept saying that we should not go over there and that 2/3 of whites wanted to go there. Where did he get these stats??? If you are going to make that bold of a statement then you definitely need to note where you got those numbers from. And if no blacks wanted to go over there, then how come we have brave black soldiers fighting over there as we speak? They are just as worthy of our praise and respect as the white soldiers are. He also went on to talk about Hurricane Katrina. I honestly had kind of tuned him out a little bit at this point because I was getting very offended but he said something about how the blacks received a lot of blame but for the most part it was the white man who had something to do with the levees funds or something to that sorts fault and that the whites should have received a lot more blame for it. SAYS WHO?? How can you blame something like that on a race? I know this blog sounds like I am ranting and raving about the video, but I really did try to listen to him and take in what he had to say. I know that he was just trying to prove some good points, but for the most part I was offended.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. I have never been forced to listen to someone bash my race like that. I think Tim Wise was trying to make the White race feel guilty for things we didn't do, and don't agree with in the first place.

    Like you, as I was watching the video, I was thinking, "Where are these facts coming from?" I think he must have been exaggerating because he didn't bother to site his sources. I think he used numbers to enhance his speech.

    Although I was offended by the speech too, I was mostly saddened. How can our country overcome the true roots of racism, when people like Tim Wise are just pointing fingers at another race?
